IRRS Related Publications and Documents
As an integrated approach of five distinct peer review and appraisal services applicable to a Member State´s legal and governmental infrastructure, the IRRS concept was developed back in 2005 and was first carried out in 2006 in Romania. Since then, over forty missions have been conducted and more requests are coming for the upcoming years from the Member States.
The IRRS process has matured during the last years through a constant feedback and improvement mechanism, based on lessons learned from previous missions and from the continuous development in the nuclear field, thus being a living instrument. The aim is to continuously provide to the Member States an up-to-date and state-of-the art service, for ensuring that regulatory effectiveness is always appropriately addressed.
Under the EC-IAEA Agreement ENER/11/NUCL/SI2.588650, the Secretariat has initiated a comprehensive process of review, analysis and update of the IRRS concept, materialized through a number of specific reports as a result of several workshops, feedback analyses and IRRS-targeted consultancies. The main public outputs up to date are summarized below.
Click here for the List of IRRS Guideline References