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IRRS scope

IRRS Scope

The minimum scope of an IRRS mission includes the core modules, i.e., Modules 1 to 10 (see IRRS Structure), together with policy issues discussions. In order to be called an IRRS mission, the mission scope should always cover the minimum scope. The final scope of an IRRS Mission is agreed upon during the preparatory meeting. The agreed scope determines the key specialist skills and experience required for the mission (among both the international IRRS Review Team and the host counterparts). The host country regulatory body and other involved organizations as appropriate, nominate potential counterparts in each review area to be the primary counterparts to the reviewers in each specified review area. 
When requesting an IRRS the statea is strongly encouraged to include all regulated facilities and activities in the mission. If the state wished to exclude specific facilities and activities, a detailed explanation for the exclusion of these facilities or activities should be provided. The mission resport will reflect this both in title and content of the relevant report section, including the Executive Summary.
For all facilities and activities within the scope, the IRRS review should always cover the following:
·         Responsibilities and functions of the government (Module 1).
·         Global nuclear safety regime (Module 2).
·         Responsibilities of the regulatory body (Module 3).
·         Management system of the regulatory body (Module 4).
·         Authorization (Module 5).
·         Review and assessment (Module 6).
·         Inspection (Module 7).
·         Enforcement (Module 8).
·         Development of regulations and guides (Module 9, first level).
·         Emergency preparedness and response (regulatory aspects) (Module 10).
In addition, at the request of the host state and as applicable, a review of regulations relating to the following facilities/activities may also be included in the scope of the IRRS (Module 9, second level):
·         Radiation sources applications.
·         Research reactors.
·         Nuclear power plants.
·         Fuel cycle facilities.
·         Waste management facilities.
·         Decommissioning.
Additional technical issues may be included in the scope of the IRRS. These are incorporated in Modules 11 (Additional Areas) and 12 (Interfaces with Nuclear Security).
See Section 4 of the IRRS Guidelines for short descriptions of these additional areas.
Policy issues to be discussed during the IRRS mission are identified after reviewing a broad spectrum of information including, but not limited to, insights resulting from convention activities, international conferences and forums and previous IAEA safety review services conducted in the host country. The policy issues review may be further tailored to the host country’s IRRS mission through prior review of the host’s self-assessment and initial action plan.
Policy discussions between IRRS Review Team members and their host country counterparts are used to further the understanding of the attributes of an effective regulator and provide feedback for developing criteria to assess the effectiveness of regulatory systems. Whereas policy discussions may be held at a senior level, it is important that such issues are dealt with in a transparent and inclusive manner.
Further information on policy issues can be found in Appendix III and Section 7.4. of the IRRS Guidelines.
Wherever possible, policy issues should be linked to IAEA safety standards. In such cases IRRS recommendations maybe made as with technical issues. Occasionally however, there may be no direct link with the Standards and in such cases it is important to explain why the issues will be addressed and what outcome is expected.

Tailored module for countries embarking on nuclear power programme

This tailored module comprises a review against actions set out in SSG-16 and the IAEA Requirements on which the actions are based. Depending upon the level of development of the national safety infrastructure, the host country, when agreeing the scope of the mission, will determine the phases it wishes to have subject to review. However, if the country selects phase 2 for instance, then for completeness, the actions of phase 1 will also be reviewed.
Supplemental guidance and information concerning IRRS missions to embarking countries can be found in Appendix II of the IRRS Guidelines.
Read more on the IRRS Tailored Modules.

Tailored module to address the regulatory implications of the Fukushima accident

This is a core module, included in the scope of the IRRS for countries having nuclear power plants. It has been developed as a review of the status of national regulatory frameworks and regulatory bodies in the light of the Fukushima accident and based on initial lessons learned.
Areas requesting appropriate attention are identified across every IRRS Module, with an account of related weaknesses identified in light of the Fukushima accident. The IAEA Safety Requirements and Guidance pertaining to the issue are recalled to formalize gaps and as a tool to indicate how to effectively address the gaps, leading to recommendations, suggestions and conclusions for improvement.
Additional guidance for the application of the tailored module can be found in Appendix II of the IRRS Guidelines.
Read more on the IRRS Tailored Modules.