The Regulatory Body should fulfil different functions essential for protecting public health, safety and the environment. The objective of regulatory functions is the verification and assessment of safety in compliance with regulatory requirements. The performance of regulatory functions shall be commensurate with the radiation risk associated with facilities and activities (GSR Part 1 (Rev. 1), Para. 4.3).
The functions of the Regulatory Body are described in safety requirements (GSR Part 1 (Rev. 1)), and include:
1. Development of regulations and guides;
"The regulatory body shall establish or adopt regulations and guides to specify the principles, requirements and associated criteria for safety upon which its regulatory judgements, decisions and actions are based." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.32) "Regulations and guides shall be reviewed and revised as necessary to keep them up to date, with due consideration of relevant international safety standards and technical standards and of relevant experience gained." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.33) "The regulatory body shall notify interested parties and the public of the principles and associated criteria for safety established in its regulations and guides, and shall make its regulations and guides available." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.34)
2. Authorization of facilities and activities by the Regulatory Body;
"Authorization by the regulatory body, including specification of the conditions necessary for safety, shall be a prerequisite for all those facilities and activities that are not either explicitly exempted or approved by means of a notification process." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.23) "The applicant shall be required to submit an adequate demonstration of safety in support of an application for the authorization of a facility or an activity." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.24)
3. Review and assessment of facilities and activities;
"The regulatory body shall review and assess relevant information ó whether submitted by the authorized party or the vendor, compiled by the regulatory body, or obtained from elsewhere ó to determine whether facilities and activities comply with regulatory requirements and the conditions specified in the authorization. This review and assessment of information shall be performed prior to authorization and again over the lifetime of the facility or the duration of the activity, as specified in regulations promulgated by the regulatory body or in the authorization." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req. 25) "Review and assessment of a facility or an activity shall be commensurate with the radiation risks associated with the facility or activity, in accordance with a graded approach." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req. 26)
4. Inspection of facilities and activities;
"The regulatory body shall carry out inspections of facilities and activities to verify that the authorized party is in compliance with the regulatory requirements and with the conditions specified in the authorization." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.27) "Inspections of facilities and activities shall include programmed inspections and reactive inspections; both announced and unannounced.î (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.28) "Inspections of facilities and activities shall be commensurate with the radiation risks associated with the facility or activity, in accordance with a graded approach." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.29)
5. Establishment of an enforcement policy; and
"The regulatory body shall establish and implement an enforcement policy within the legal framework for responding to non-compliance by authorized parties with regulatory requirements or with any conditions specified in the authorization.î (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.30) "In the event that risks are identified, including risks unforeseen in the authorization process, the regulatory body shall require corrective actions to be taken by authorized parties.î (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.31)
6. Communication and consultation with interested parties.
"The regulatory body shall promote the establishment of appropriate means of informing and consulting interested parties and the public about the possible radiation risks associated with facilities and activities, and about the processes and decisions of the regulatory body." (GSR Part 1(Rev.1), Req.36)