The mission of WG 2 is to establish and maintain a platform for sharing and transfer of knowledge and experience gained on safety of radioactive waste and spent fuel management within the members of EuCAS Network for its improvement. Therefore, the main objective of WG 2 is to contribute to an efficient regulatory oversight of safe management of radioactive waste and spent fuel.
Specifically, the objectives of WG 2 are:
- Provide a platform for regional and international exchange an opportunity for mutual support and coordination of regional initiatives in this area;
- Identify and address specific regional needs in radioactive waste (RAW) and spent fuel (SF) Management related to regulatory oversight;
- Promote and facilitate exchange of knowledge, experience, and information in RAW and SF Management regulatory oversight;
- Introduce a strategic graded approach to capacity building specifically for the safety of RAW and SF management;
- Intensify cooperation with other regional networks, international and national organizations to strengthen regulatory practice and approaches in safety of RAW and SF management.
The scope of WG 2 is defined by the expressed needs of the Member States, including knowledge transfer, exchange of information and experiences related to:
- Legal and regulatory infrastructure for safety of RAW and SF management;
- Safety regulations;
- Licensing (review and assessment) and inspection of radioactive waste and spent fuel facilities;
- Licensing of institutional facilities – like research, medicine, agriculture, and others;
- Regulatory review of safety assessment and safety case;
- Knowledge management on transport, including import/export;
- Radiation safety of population;
- Regulation of the existing exposure situations and remediation of contaminated sites.
- etc.
The scope of WG 2 may include additional specific issues on Safety of Radioactive Waste and Spent Fuel Management upon request of EuCAS Members with approval/agreement of its steering committee.