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CANDU Regulators' Forum

During the mid-1990s, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) instituted a programme under the auspices of "CANDU Senior Regulators Group" (CSRG). This programme is of primary importance to the regulatory bodies of the IAEA Member States currently having CANDU-based nuclear power programmes in place: Argentina, Canada, China, India, Republic of Korea, Pakistan and Romania. Collectively, these countries own and operate the following CANDU-type nuclear power reactors:


Embalse: operational
Bruce A Units 1-4: operational
Bruce B Units 5-8: operational
Gentilly 2: operational


Pt. Lepreau: operational
Darlington 1-4:operational
Pickering A Unit 1&4: operational
Pickering A Units 2&3: laid up
Pickering B Units 5-8: operational


Qinshan 4&5: operational

South Korea

Wolsong A Units 1&2: operational
Wolsong B Units 3&4: operational


Operational: Kaiga 1,2&3, Kakrapar 1,2&3, Madras 1&2, Narora 2, Rajasthan 2,3,4&5 (Rajasthan 1 owned by Government of India), Tarapur 3&4 Refurbishment: Narora 1

Under construction: Kaiga 4, Rajasthan 6


KANUPP 1: operational


Cernavoda 1&2: operational
Cernavoda 3&4: dormant

The CANDU Senior Regulators Group programme was set up in recognition of the fact that, whilst many important aspects of nuclear safety and regulation are common to all reactor types, CANDU reactor designs have unique features that give rise to safety-relevant, operational and regulatory issues which require a specific mechanism and forum for the exchange of relevant information.

The CSRG meets annually to discuss regulatory and operational issues and the programme has successfully served the purpose of improving operational safety, enhancing regulatory effectiveness and maintaining necessary knowledge in CANDU countries.

The purpose of the meetings is to facilitate cooperation and information exchange between the national nuclear regulatory bodies of Member States that own and operate CANDU-type reactors in order to improve safety, enhance regulatory effectiveness and efficiency and to maintain necessary knowledge and competence.

The annual meetings are intended for senior regulators and experts from the regulatory bodies of countries that own and operate CANDU-type reactors. Representatives of the CANDU Owners Group are also invited to participate in these meetings.