Page Content OperatorsMultinational networks among operators​
World Association of Nuclear Operators Every organization in the world that operates a nuclear power plant is also a member of WANO. WANO helps its members achieve the highest practicable levels of operational safety by giving providing access to a wealth of world-wide nuclear operating experience. WANO is a non-profit organization with no commercial ties. Further, WANO is not a regulatory body and has no direct association with governments. WANO has no interests other than nuclear safety. WANO’s long-term goal is to conduct peer reviews for each of its members nuclear stations such that each nuclear unit is reviewed at least once every six years, either as an individual unit or as part of a peer review that includes other units at a station. In addition, each station is encouraged to host an outside review at least every three years (WANO peer reviews count as an outside review). Outside reviews also include OSART missions, WANO follow-up peer reviews, and national organizational reviews, such as— Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and Japan Nuclear Technology Institute (JANTI) reviews. A central operating experience team with representatives from all four WANO regional centres continues to develop operating experience products and information for members
via the secure Web site;
this facilitates sharing experience and lessons learned. The team produces
Significant Operating Experience Reports (SOERs),
Significant Event Reports (SERs), and
Hot Topics to keep members informed of important events and trends occurring in the industry. In addition, WANO maintains a ‘just-in-time’ operating experience database that provides access to plant staff on relevant operating experience just prior to undertaking specific operations or performing maintenance activities. |
International Owners Groups
BWR Owners Group
CANDU Owners Group
FROG Owners Group