FNRBA Members
For FNRBA Member States which have not yet endorsed the FNRBA Charter (as of Sept 2024), the old contact persons have been retained.
Autoridade Reguladora de Energia Atómica Rua Antonio Feliciano de Castilho 155 RC Contact Person: Mr. Pedro Carlos Domingos Lemos pelemos2003@yahoo.com; nucleoct@gmail.com FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
Autorité Nationale de Sureté Radiologique et de Radioprotection (ANSR)
Contact Person: Mr. Kuassi Marcellin Amoussou-Guenou agkuassimarcellin@yahoo.fr Contact Person Tel:+229 97894110
Burkina Faso
Autorité Nationale de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire 7044 Ouagadougou 03 Tel:+226 25 46 81 05/ +226 62 15 26 41 Contact
Person:Mr. Martial ZOUGRANA zmartial2003@yahoo.fr Contact Person Tel: +226 25 46 81 05/ +226 62 15 26 41 |
Radiation Protection Inspectorate Contact
Person:Ms Tshegofatso Zwikula Contact Person Tel:00267 3188388 Contact Person Fax:00267 3957025 tzwikula@gov.bw FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
Agence Nationale de Radio Protection (ANRP) Ambassade de la Republique du Cameroun, Ulmenallee 32, 14050 Berlin Contact
Person:Mr Augustin Simo Contact Person Tel: +49 30 89 06 80 90 augsimo@yahoo.fr |
Agence Tchadienne de Radioprotection et de Sureté Nucléaire (ATRSN) L’Agence Tchadienne de la Radioprotection et de la Sécurité Nucléaire (ATRSN), Avenue du Dr Nokouri, Anni Djari, P.O. Box 816, N'DJAMENA 235, CHAD Contact Person: Mr Mignede Modingam Contact Person Tel: +23566265023 mignedingam@yahoo.fr; hisseni_gal@yahoo.fr; mmignedingam@gmail.com
Cote d’Ivoire
Autorite de Radioprotection, de Securite et de Surete Nucleaires Autorite de Radioprotection de Sureste et Securite Nucleaires, ARSN, 08 BP, 4028 Abidjan Contact Person: Marie -Chantale KOUASSI GOFFRI Contact Person Tel: +225 22 49 74 38 / +225 77 20 79 91 mckouassi1@yahoo.fr |
Democratic Republic of Congo
Comité National de Protection contre les Rayonnements Ionisants (CNPRI) 4765, Colonel Ebeya, Immeuble Quitus Consult, Second Niveau, Kinshasa/Gombe, B.P. 833 Kin I Tel: + 243 81 66 84 665 / +243 82 44 18 562 Contact
Person:Mr. Florimond NYAMOGA KABANDA flory1963@gmail.com |
Egyptian Nuclear & Radiological Regulatory Authority (ENRRA) Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulatory Authority, Egyptian Nuclear Security Support Center, 3 Ahmed El-Zomor Street, Nasr City, CAIRO 11787 Contact Person: Mr. Samy Ata-Allah chairman@enrra.org
Ethiopian Radiation Protection Authority (ERPA) Radiation Protection Authority of Ethiopia (ERPA), P.O. Box 18127, Addis ababa Contact Person: Mr. Solomon GETACHEW Contact Person Tel: +251 11 47 05 579 solomong@erpa.gov.et;
solomon.getachew@gmail.com |
Centre National de Prevention et de Protection contre les Rayonnements Ionisants (CNPPRI) Po. Box 1172 Libreville Contact
Person:Mr. Charles Chaley chaleygibson@yahoo.fr FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
Ghana Nuclear Regulatory Authorty Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Neutron Avenue, Houses 1 & 2, P.O.Box AE 50, ACCRA, GHANA Contact Person: Nii Kwashie Allotey Contact Person Tel : +233 205078256 nii.allotey@gnra.org.gh
Kenya Nuclear Regulatory Authority P.O. Box 19841-00200, Nairobi Kenya Tel: +25 47 10 11 94 31 Contact Person: James Chumba chumba2001@gmail.com
Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (INSTN-Madagascar) Contact Person: Mr R.Andriambololona Tel: +261 2022 61181/35584 instin@moov.mg
Agence Malienne de Radio Protection (AMARAP) Bâtiment A3- ex-CRES, Badalabougou, B.P. 1872, BAMAKO, MALI Contact Person: Dr. Nagantié Kone
Contact Person Tel: +223 202 38661 knagantie@yahoo.com |
The Department of Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources Private Bag 394, Lilongwe 3 Contact Person: Ms. Kachimera Victoria Cathy
Contact Person Tel: 00265 0 1771111 kachimera_7@yahoo.com FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
National Authority of Radioprotection,Safty and Nuclear Secutity Contact Person: Ishagh Mohamed Moussa Tel: +222 20 34 12 60
Radiation Protection Authority (RPA) 37, Saint Georges Street, Port Louis Contact Person: Mr. Faradally. A. OLLITE
Contact Person Tel: +230 5254 0477 faradally@gmail.com |
Agence Marocaine de Sûreté et Sécurité Nucléaires et Radiologiques (AMMSNuR) Espace les Patios (RDC), Angle boulevards Annakhil et Mehdi Ben Barka, Hay Riad- Rabat, Morocco Contact Person: Mr. Said Mouline Contact Person Tel: +212537739705 Contact Person Fax: +212537688737 dg@amssnur.org.ma
National Atomic Energy Agency (ANEA)Ministry of Energy) Ministry of Energy Avenida 25 de Setembro, 1218 P.O. Box 1318, Maputo Contact Person: Mr Alexandre Maria Maphossa Contact Person Tel: 00258 21 491894 Contact Person Fax: 00258 21 305149 maphossa@zebra.uem.mz; alexandre.maphossa@gmail.com FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
Atomic Energy and Radiation Protection Authority Contact Person: Dr Axel Tibinyane atibinyane@gmail.com
Autorité de Régulation et de Sûreté Nucléaires (ARSN) ARSN, Rue Gamal Abdel Nasser, BP : 10 154 Niamey, NIGER Tel: +227 96967918, +227 90332120, +227 94115252 Contact Person: Mr. Salla Mayaki mayakisalla@gmail.com |
Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NNRA) Plot 564/565 Airport Road,Central Business Area,PMB 559 Garki, Abuja Nigeria Contact Person: Dr. Yau Idris Contact Person Tel: +234 803 386 0632 yau.idris@nnra.gov.ng |
Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority Contact Person: Patrick NYIRISHEMA Contact Person Tel: +250 78 830 51 54 patrick.nyirishema@rura.rw |
Autorité de Radioprotection et de Sûreté nucléaire (ARSN) Primature, Building Administratif, 9ième étage,Dakar Contact Person: Dr. NDEYE ARAME BOYE FAYE Contact Person Tel: +221 776370023 arame.boye@arsn.sn;
aramefaye@yahoo.com |
Sierra Leone
Regulatory Authority, Ministry of Employment and Human Resources Development Independence House Contact Person: Mr. Josephus J Kongo Contact Person Tel:+232 76610754 josiekongo@yahoo.com FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority 5th Floor, Electricity House, Siaka Stevens Street, Freetown Contact Person: Mr. Steve Monnaie Contact Person Tel:+248 4297207 smonnaie@employment.gov.sc FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
South Africa
National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) Contact Person: Ms Ditebogo Kgomo Contact Person Tel: +27 0 12 764 71 86 / 27 0 12 764 71 00 DKgomo@nnr.co.za
Tanzania Atomic Energy Commission (TAEC) Njiro Area Block J, P.O. Box 743, Arusha Contact Person: Prof. Dr. Eng. Iddi S.N. Mkilaha Contact Person Tel: +255-27-2508554 Contact Person Fax: +255-27-2509709 taec@habari.co.tz FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
Centre national de radioprotection (CNRP) Contact Person: Ms Latifa Ben Omrane benomrane.latifa@gmail.com; latifa.benomrane@rns.tn FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
Radiation Protection Authority Contact Person: Mr. Akisophel Kisolo Contact Person Tel: 0025677241681 akisolo@physics.mak.ac.ug FNRBA Charter not yet endorsed. |
Radiation Protection Authority (RPA) Contact Person: Mr. Boster Siwila Contact Person Tel: 00260 1 252481 Contact Person Fax: 00260 211 252481 dearsonsiwila@gmail.com
Radiation Protection Authority of Zimbabwe 1 McCaw Drive, Avondale, P.O Box A1710, Avondale, Harare Contact Person: Justice CHIPURU Contact Person Tel: +263 242335627 jchipuru@rpaz.co.zw |