FNRBA Charter of FNRBA defines 2 governance bodies (the Plenary and the Steering Committee) and 6 technical groups.
The Plenary is the supreme decision making body of the FNRBA and consists of the entire membership of the FNRBA.
A Plenary session helds annually alternating in the five (5) regions of Africa which are: Northern, Southern, Central, Western and Eastern Africa.
The activities of the Plenary body covers the identification of technical areas of cooperation, the nomination and election of candidates by each region into the Steering Committee, the establishment of the Technical Advisory Committees, the consideration and approval of plans of action of the Steering Committee, the monitoring and assessment of the activities of the FNRBA, the rules and regulations of the FNRBA.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is composed of nine officers elected from member regulatory bodies: the chairman, the Deputy Chairman, the Secretary, the Vice-Secretary, a representative of the five regions (Northern, Southern, Central, Western and Eastern Africa). FNRBA requested IAEA to play the role of secretary (website, etc…).
The Steering Committee prepares the strategic plan for consideration and approval by the Plenary, coordinates and facilitates the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan, prepares the resolution of disputes arising from the activities of the Technical Working Groups (TWGs), promotes the FNRBA’s activities and mobilizes the resources for the implementation of the Strategic Action Plan, submits the annual report, decisions and activities carried out between two sessions of the Plenary including reports submitted by the Coordinators of the Technical Advisory Committees.
The Steering Committee proposes relevant partnerships, approves Terms of Reference for each Technical Advisory Committee and Technical Working Groups.
Technical Groups:
FNRBA has two Technical Advisory Committee: TAC1 on Publication, TAC2 on Standard and following 6 Technical Working Groups:
- Legislative and Regulatory Infrastructure
- Radiation and Waste Safety
- Nuclear Safety Infrastructure
- Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Transport Safety Infrastructure
- Nuclear Security Infrastructure