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  Cooperation Programmes

Actions led within the LRAE are supported by a wide international cooperation with several organism as the "International agency of the Atomic energy of Vienna" (IAEA), the "University of Orsay-Paris Sud", the "Commissariat to the Atomic energy of France" (CEA), The "National Center of Scientific Research in France" (CNRS), the "Institute of Research and Development of France" (IRD), etc… . This active scientific collaboration and knowledge share allow the LRAE activities to gain significant advancements in national and international levels.

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Participating Countries


Participating Countries
Relevant Documentation
1983RAF8007: Water Resources in North AfricaIAEA/TC regionalTunisia; Algeria; Morocco
1983RAF8007: Water Resources in North Africa IAEA/TC nationalTunisia
1985TUN8009: Hydrological studies of solid flow and the balance between erosion, transport and sedimentation in reservoirsIAEA/TC nationalTunisia
19895515 : Isotope Tracing Of Water Movement In The Unsaturated Zone Under Arid Climatic Condition In South-Tunisia IAEA/CRP multilateralAlgeria
1995Avicenne project : the study of the shared big aquifers between Tunisia and Algeria using geochemical and isotopic tracers, etc…), CEE/British Geological Survey (Wallingford, UK)Algeria; Syrian Arab Republic
19957275 : Contribution Of Environmental Isotopes To Groundwater Investigations In Central And Southern Tunisia IAEA/CRP multilateralTunisia; Morocco
1995TUN8012: Use of Isotopes in Evaluation of Water Resources in the hydraulic sills (Central Tunisia: Sbeïtla, Gafsa, Hajeb basins). IAEA/TC nationalTunisia
1997TUN5017: Nuclear Techniques to Improve Water and Soil Management IAEA/TC nationalTunisia
1997RAF8026: Investigation of Leakage in Dams & Reservoirs (AFRA IV-22) IAEA/AFRA regional Syrian Arab Republic; Algeria
1999RAF8028: Investigating Dam and Reservoir Leakages and Safety (AFRA IV-5) IAEA/AFRA regional Syrian Arab Republic; Algeria; Tunisia
1999F33011 Isotope response to dynamic changes in groundwater systems due to long term exploitation (Southern Tunisia aquifers) IAEA/TC nationalTunisia
2000CMCU 00/F1004 : Utilisation des méthodes géochimiques et isotopiques pour une meilleure évaluation et gestion des ressources en eau du Sahel de SfaxBilateral programFrance; Tunisia
2000PICS : Paléoclimatologie et Paléohydrologie en Tunisie : Nouvelles données pour le Quaternaire récent fondées sur l'étude du karst et des travertinsBilateral programFrance; Tunisia
2000F31002: Isotopic composition of precipitation in the Mediterranean Basin in relation to air circulation patterns and climate   IAEA/CRP multilateral
200110731 : Utilisation Des Méthodes Isotopiques De L'environnement Pour Une Meilleure Évaluation Et Gestion Des Ressources Du Sud Tunisien IAEA/CRP multilateral
2001TUN8015: Assessment of Marine Intrusion in Cap Bon's Coastal Aquifer Systems IAEA/TC nationalTunisia
2001RAF8034 :Building Capacity in Support of Regional programmes related to the characterization of Shared water Resources IAEA/AFRATunisia; Uganda; Kenya; Benin; Niger; Ethiopia; Egypt; Sudan; Morocco; Sierra Leone; Tanzania
2003TUN8017: Groundwater Resources Assessment and Evaluation of Marine Intrusion IAEA/TC nationalTunisia
2003RAF8035: Evaluating Water Resources of the North-Western Sahara Aquifer System IAEA/TC regionalAlgeria; Tunisia; Libya
2003INT/5/147 : Developing Salt-tolerant Crops for Sustainable Food and Feed Production in Saline Lands. Eight countries participed to this regional project. IAEA inter-regionalPakistan; Syrian Arab Republic; Egypt; Jordan
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