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Information management system for LRAE (Laboratory for RadioAnalysis and Environment)

Laboratory of RadioAnalysis and Environment

Laboratory of RadioAnalyses and Environment

The laboratory was created in 1999 at the National School of Engineers of Sfax within the framework of the reorganization of research activities carried out by the Ministry of Research and Higher Education of Tunisia.

The main multidisciplinary research activities at LRAE have been focused on supporting sustainable and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) through surface and groundwater characterization in Tunisia and evaluation of aquifer's vulnerability to natural and human induced contaminants.

The staff includes multidisciplinary teachers, students, researchers and technicians from different institutions of Higher Education and Research

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  • 164,150 of which 75% is an arid land;
  • The southern part of the country is a part of the Sahara;
  • No big rivers exist except the Medjerda’s;
  • The Tunisian coastline spans 1300 km.

Tunisia Country Profile (U.N. Data)

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