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Global Education and Training Resources (GETR)

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GETR is an easy-to-access knowledge base that displays information about Nuclear Safety training and education resources being organized by regulatory authorities, technical organizations, research institutions and universities around the world.

GETR connects the global nuclear community to education and training opportunities. 

Global Training Resources

Get trained subject matter experts from around the world and the IAEA.

To access the resources click here     GETR TraininG Resources

Upcoming Events

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Global Education Resources

Pursue your education from recognized institutions.

To access the resources click here     GETR Education Resources


GETR currently has 24 counterparts

Nuclear Regulatory Authority, ARGENTINA; SCK CEN, BELGIUM; University of Ontario Institute of Technology, CANADA; Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, CANADA; Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, GHANA; SOGIN, ITALY; ENEA, ITALY; National Nuclear Safety and Safeguards Commission, MEXICO; Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS), REPUBLIC, KOREA OF; Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA), PAKISTAN; CIEMAT, SPAIN; Spanish Nuclear Safety Council, SPAIN; National Distance Education University, SPAIN; University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM; Lancaster University, Energy Lancaster, UNITED KINGDOM; Imperial College, Centre for Nuclear Engineering, UNITED KINGDOM; University of Central Lancashire, UNITED KINGDOM; Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards, UNITED KINGDOM;  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; International Regulatory Development Partnership (IRDP), UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; University of California Berkeley, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; VO Safety, RUSSIAN FEDERATION