The Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN) was established by the IAEA in 2002 with the aim of pooling, analysing, and sharing nuclear safety-related information, knowledge, and experience among the ANSN Member States.
A few years later, as worldwide interest in launching nuclear power plant grew, the ANSN's focus shifted from being a knowledge-sharing mechanism, toward capacity building to support the initiation of nuclear power programme in ANSN Member States. ("ANSN Vision 2020", 2009)
After the Fukushima Daiichi accident in 2011, lessons learned from the accident added another aspect to the ANSN's main activities: encouraging each participating Member State's initiative in enhancing nuclear safety infrastructure. ANSN activities began to be based on the individual Member States' national plans with the assistance from the IAEA Secretariat. ("ANSN Vision", 2012)
Form more efficient and effective implementation of ANSN activities, the ANSN decided to encourage the ANSN Member States to conduct self-assessment on their safety infrastructure for a nuclear power programme, and to develop National Action Plans (NAPs), based on which the ANSN Action Plan would then be established. ("ANSN Vision", 2018)
Over 20 years since its inception, ANSN Member States have recognized capacity growth in the areas of regulatory infrastructure and safety assessment, and expanded application of radiation in diverse fields. This expansion has been accompanied by the emergence of new technologies, leading to changes in policies and focused programmes in the ANSN Member States.
Therefore, the ANSN decided to expand its technical scope to include radiation safety and nuclear security, to better reflect and respond to the changes observed in the ANSN Member States. ANSN has also reaffirmed its role as a facilitators of knowledge networking and cooperation among professionals and organizations within its Member States.
The ANSN shall be governed by the Steering Committee, which may establish Working Groups to support its work.
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee shall consist of one representative from each ANSN Member State, senior representatives from national regulatory bodies or TSOs of the ANSN Member States. If necessary, Member States may nominate observers to assist the Steering Committee member from their respective national regulatory bodies or TSOs, who shall not participate in the discussions or make decisions.
Nominations for Steering Committee membership or observer status shall be submitted in writing through the ANSN Secretariat at the IAEA. The Member States are responsible for notifying through the ANSN Secretariat at the IAEA, when there is a personnel change.
Steering Committee members shall demonstrate a strong commitment to the objectives of the ANSN, attend the Steering Committee meetings, and contribute to its work. The Committee shall convene at least once a year in person, virtually or through a hybrid format.
The responsibilities of the Steering Committee include, but are not limited to:
- Approval of multi-year and/or annual ANSN work plans.
- Review of progress in implementing the ANSN work plan.
- Coordination, facilitation, and mobilization of resources for ANSN work plan implementation.
- Identification of topics requiring information exchange and/or regional coordination efforts, and facilitation of mutual information sharing on regional initiatives.
- Decision-making on key orientations and oversight of activities developed under the ANSN.
- Approval of establishment of Working Groups
- Approval of annual reports and technical documents developed by ANSN.
- Approval of revisions to the ANSN Terms of Reference (TOR).
- Promotion of closer cooperation and coordination with other international organizations and regional networks/forums.
A Chairperson is elected based on consensus among Steering Committee members and shall serve a term of three years. The Chairperson may appoint a Vice Chairperson if necessary. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson can serve a maximum of two consecutive terms on this Steering Committee. The Chairperson shall preside over Steering Committee meetings and act as the spokesperson of the ANSN, as required.
Working Groups
The Steering Committee may establish Working Groups, comprising experts from ANSN members and/or other recognized experts, as needed to support the planning and implementation of the ANSN work plan. These groups can develop their respective TOR that lay out the membership criteria, working modalities and work plan, subject to approval by the Steering Committee.
The IAEA Department of Nuclear Safety and Security shall serve as the Secretariat for ANSN, and shall support its activities in this role, subject to the availability of resources.
Working Modalities
The ANSN work plan shall list the main objectives and activities to be implemented in the upcoming year as well as in the longer term.
An annual report shall present the complete, ongoing and planned work of the ANSN.
The work of the ANSN shall be organized and implemented in accordance with this TOR. The Steering Committee may establish additional rules of procedures if necessary.
To support the implementation of its objectives, an IT platform for sharing knowledge and information within the network has been developed. It is hosted within the IAEA Global Nuclear Safety and Security Network (GNSSN) website, including a collaborative workspace with access restricted to ANSN members.