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Education and Training​

Education and training (E&T) is the baseline for building capacity and sustainable competences in nuclear safety and security. While education and training is fundamentally the responsibility of Member States, the IAEA has played an important role in assisting them in developing highly competent and effective human resources required for the safe, secure and efficient peaceful use of atomic energy.
In April 2009, the IAEA Nuclear Safety and Security working group on Coordination of Education and Training Support to Member States was established to help ensure that E&T support to Member States is provided, when practical, in an integrated, consistent and optimized manner, and in-line with IAEA policy. The working group has provided for a forum for sharing knowledge, experience and good practices, particularly in methods for curriculum development, standardized syllabi and training material; for developing an E&T knowledge base repository; and for planning, implementing and evaluating the nuclear safety and security E&T activities.
The IAEA Nuclear Safety and Security E&T programme is comprehensive and compatible with the requirements of the IAEA Safety Standards and international instruments for nuclear security and nuclear security guidance. Training materials and video presentations support knowledge sharing and experience in the application of the IAEA safety standards. Tailored workshops and training events are implemented in several areas of nuclear and radiation safety. In the last two years 1163 participants from Member States attended 98 training courses. More practical and on the job training is supported through fellowships, extension of basic courses and safety assessment tools for simulators. The IAEA also organized a series of various security training courses and workshops to cover prevention, detection and response. These were delivered in many Members States with participation of over 1500 experts per year.
The IAEA has also developed a number of appraisals, services and tools supporting the implementation of the framework for building competences in nuclear and radiation safety through education and training, which are available on request by the Member States. Examples of existing appraisals and assessment are:


Education and Training Appraisal for Radiation Protection and the Safety of Radiation Sources (EduTA):

  • an appraisal of the national infrastructure for education and training in radiation protection and the safety of radiation sources.

Systematic Assessment of Regulatory Competence Needs in Nuclear Safety (SARCoN):

  • a guideline to support the implementation of the IAEA Safety Standards in the area of ensuring regulatory competences through identification of competence needs.

Independently Emergency Preparedness Review (EPREV):

  • a service provided by the Agency to appraise preparedness for nuclear and/or radiological emergencies in Member States.