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Bonn Call for Action Implementation Toolkit

  • ​Explore the re-balancing of radiation research budgets in recognition of the fact that an overwhelming percentage of human exposure to manmade sources is medical;
  • Strengthen investigations in low-dose health effects and radiological risks from external and internal exposures, especially in children and pregnant women, with an aim to reduce uncertainties in risk estimates at low doses;
  • Study the occurrence of and mechanisms for individual differences in radiosensitivity and hyper-sensitivity to ionizing radiation, and their potential impact on the radiation protection system and practices;
  • Explore the possibilities of identifying biological markers specific to ionizing radiation;
  • Advance research in specialized areas of radiation effects, such as characterization of deterministic health effects, cardiovascular effects, and post-accident treatment of overexposed individuals;
  • Promote research to improve methods for organ dose assessment, including patient dosimetry when using unsealed radioactive sources, as well as external beam small-field dosimetry.