Development of Learning Centre of Management of NORM Residues
1. Introduction
One of the objectives of the REGSUN forum is to promote and increase the exchange of information and expertise among its participants. The forum also supports the knowledge and implementation of the requirements of IAEA SSG-60 “Management of residues containing NORM from uranium production and other activities" among Member States. The development of a REGSUN information platform was already a recommendation of the first REGSUN meeting in 2018. In all Member States dealing with management of NORM, there is a need for information, training and expertise development.
To achieve this objective, a web-based Learning Centre has already partially been developed and populated with information and documents such as a repository of relevant IAEA publications, presentations given during the REGSUN meetings, training materials related to generic as well as specific issues related to management of NORM.
Feedback from participants has been gathered during REGSUN meetings to identify priorities for further development.
2. Purpose and Scope
In its current stage of development, the REGSUN Learning Centre already provides useful information about NORM. However, as the Learning Centre is intended to support the implementation of SSG-60 , the structure of the Learning Centre should reflect the structure of SSG-60 and addresses its different aspects – taking into account priorities of Member States. It is also important that the Learning Centre provides information both on generic aspects of NORM management and on more specialized aspects.
It should also be noted that the Status of the documents currently available are diverse: some are official IAEA publications, some are draft documents which still needs to be reviewed and validated.
Although the Learning Centre is primarily addressed to regulators, it may also be beneficial to other interested parties such as Technical Support Organisations or operators of facilities dealing with NORM.
The purpose of REGSUN Learning Centre on NORM is:
- to enable interested parties to access on a centralized platform a comprehensive set of information on each safety-related aspect of management of NORM residues.
- To promote the knowledge and implementation of SSG-60 by providing support material for the development and implementation of a training programme.
- To provide sector-specific information on NORM taking into account the priorities of the Member States.
The scope of the Learning Centre covers all aspects of management of NORM residues addressed in SSG-60. However, it does not cover aspects specific for uranium production as these are covered in the already existing Uranium Production Learning Centre.
3. Tasks
The development of the Learning Centre has two fold:
- Development, review and finalization of basic training modules for SSG-60;
- Development and review of sector-specific material – taking into account priorities expressed by Member States.
3.1 Basic modules on SSG-60
Step 1. Development of English version of basic modules on SSG-60
To form basic module information on SSG-60, the following presentations given during the TC training may form the core for the development of the Learning Centre:
- Overview of IAEA Safety Standards SSG-60
- Overview of NORM activities and residues
- Regulation NORM residues in a graded approach
- Overview of NORM management options & development of a residue management plan
The module on Regulations covers the generic aspects discussed in SSG-60. More detailed information on the development and implementation of regulations on NORM residues management – in particular implementation of a graded-approach – will be developed in the context of the Task Group on NORM regulations.
Step 2. Translation of presentations on the basic module of SSG-60 into IAEA official languages
Step 3. Testing through webinar or other REGSUN events
3.2 Other modules of SSG-60 on management of NORM residues
- Safety assessment
- Long term management of NORM residues
- Reuse and recycling
These modules have still to be developed. Existing material from the uranium production training may be considered as a starting point for this development.
3.3 Sector specific information
- Priorities for development need to be identified taking into account the importance of the information for Member States and the quality of the already existing material. The current Table of the Learning Centre will be populated according to these priorities.
4. Priorities