Radionuclides of natural origin are ubiquitous in the environment, and in some geological formations have become sufficiently concentrated to be exploited for the purpose of uranium production. Significant concentrations of radionuclides of natural origin also occur in facilities and activities involving the processing of other minerals. These natural radionuclides can be present in the raw materials and/or in the residues from the processing of those other minerals.
The learnering Centre provides you to understand:
What are uranium production activities and associated waste safety issues;
Applicable safety standards and good practices for safet and sustinable uranium produciton
Concept of NORM, NORM residues and NORM waste
Origin and characteristics of NORM residues and NORM waste
How to establish a safety framework for management of NORM activities and NORM resides
knowledge and skills to manage NORM activities and NORM residues
Experiences and practices in Member States for managing NORM
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TG NORM Regulation
TG NORM Learning Development
TG UP Learning Development
Advice and Peer Review
NORM Registry
Technical Cooperation
UP Learning
NORM Learning
Discussion and Feedback